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  • 周郷

How to Eat Tsukemen

First, just eat the noodles. I believe you'll be able to savor the rich aroma of the wheat.

After that, try dipping them in the soup or enjoy them with toppings to find your favorite way to eat.

Once you finish the noodles, there's a special 'Last Dish' waiting for you. Just hand your soup bowl to the staff.

After you're done eating, if there are customers waiting outside, we'd appreciate your cooperation in leaving promptly so we can accommodate the next guests without delay.

Our Commitment


Our tsukemen noodles are specially made just for Shugyo's tsukemen, offering a taste you won't find anywhere else. They are known for their smooth texture and aromatic fragrance.


At the heart of our kitchen, there's a huge pressure cooker where we melt various ingredients together. We carefully skim off any impurities to extract only the purest flavors for our soup.


Our chef has earned the Japanese qualification of Dashi Sommelier. We blend a variety of dashi into our soup, so please savor the distinct taste of Japanese dashi.

Chashu Pork

We use three types of meat, each chosen based on its best condition and part of the day. Our chefs cook them in what they believe to be the most delicious method for that day. The specific parts used may vary daily. The pork we use has been awarded the highest three-star rating by the International Taste Institute.

Bamboo Shoots

This ingredient, known as menma in Japanese, is made from bamboo shoots. We use two types from different parts of the shoot, offering a variety of flavors and textures for you to enjoy.


Our nori is sourced directly from Boso in Chiba Prefecture, near the sea. We hope you enjoy its oceanic fragrance.

Soy Sauce

We use soy sauce made in Akita, a region in the cold northeastern part of Japan.


If you enjoyed your experience, we would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a Google review.

Also, we have a branch in Kanda. Here, we offer spicy tsukemen with a variety of spice levels to choose from. Even if you're not a fan of spiciness, we welcome you to visit and give it a try

The address

2-9-11 Uchi Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo

It's a 2-minute walk from the west exit of Kanda Station, and it's 246 meters from Kanda Station.




如何吃 Tsukemen

先吃面条。 您会感受到浓郁的麦香。 然后,蘸汤或添加配料,找到自己喜欢的口味。 面条吃完后,还有一道特别的 "最后一道菜"。 将汤碗交给服务员。 如果您用餐完毕后,外面还有顾客在排队,请您配合一下,我们会尽快为您介绍下一位顾客,不会让您久等。 我们的承诺 面条 这种面条专为 Sugo's Tsukemen 制作,只有在这里才能吃到。 它的特点是解渴、香味浓郁。 (西式)汤 汤的制作方法是将各种配料

츠케멘 먹는 법

먼저 국수만 드셔보세요. 풍부한 밀의 향을 느낄 수 있을 것이다. 그 후, 국물에 담가 먹거나 토핑 등을 곁들여 자신만의 취향에 맞게 먹어보세요. 면이 다 떨어지면 특제 "Last Dish"가 있다. 국물 그릇을 직원에게 건네주면 된다. 식사를 마친 후, 밖에 손님이 줄을 서 있는 경우, 최대한 빨리 다음 손님을 기다리게 하지 않고 안내할 수 있도록 협조해


ご用意いただくもの 鍋2つ(麺用、スープ用) ザル 器2つ(麺の盛り付け用、スープ用) お好みで薬味(ネギ、玉ねぎ、海苔など) ステップ1:スープと具材の湯銭 鍋に水を入れ、具材とスープの袋を封を切らずに中に入れて火にかけてください。 具材とスープの湯銭が終わり、温まり次第火傷に注意をしてトングなどで取り出してください。 取り出したらお湯は捨てずに麺を茹でるのにご利用下さい。 ※低温調理された具材

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